Counting the days…

Ady is sitting up all by herself and has 2 teeth now. What a cutie!!

Today I woke up thinking about my darling granddaughter. She lives in another state so I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like, however my daughter and son-in-law are wonderful about texting me photos and short video’s as she is growing. My daughter and I skype often so I can “see” Adalynn and chat with her face-to-face (over skype that is). Technology has made it a little easier to be so far away but it just isn’t quite the same as being there in person. I’m counting the days until I get to see them all again in person. Just a couple more months.

I can’t explain the joy I feel at being a grandmother. It’s a wonderful feeling. When they say you find joy in your posterity it is really true. Today I am grateful to not only be a mother but a grandmother. Life just keeps getting better.

What are you grateful for today? Take a few moments to make a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life. When you count your blessings you realize how much there is to be grateful for.

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