The Miracle and Beauty of Fall

I LOVE FALL! It is one of my favorite seasons. Everything comes alive with vibrant colors of yellow, red and orange. As summer fades away and winter draws near everything is in a constant state of change. I can’t help but notice all the beautiful colors as I drive down the road. I find the transition that nature is undergoing breathtaking.

Some may think that having all the leaves drop from their branches is dreary, but I find it truly spectacular. The fact that every plant and tree are preparing to “hunker down” for the winter is amazing. I think we could all take note and learn something from the seasons. Just as each season has its own unique beauty, so does each season of our life.

The many colors of fall are some of my favorites. If I could, I would paint my entire home in the colors of fall. I find them warm and inviting. They are in stark contrast to the cold, bare colors of winter. In the fall I enjoy curling up with a good book, drinking something warm and soothing, and spending my extra time in perfect serenity as I watch the seasons slowly change. For me it is a time for meditation and contemplation and I enjoy every moment of it.

What do you enjoy about Fall? Do you love the colors as much as I do? How do you “transition” mentally from season to season? Do you look forward to the changes or do you dread them?

I have come to enjoy each season and the beauty within it. Have you?

The beautiful photo included with this post was sent to me via text by one of my dear friends. I loved it so much that I asked her if I could share it with all of you via my blog. The fabulous thing about having a good friend is that they know what will inspire and lift you. It made my day to know that my dear friend was thinking of me when she snapped this photo and sent it to me. What captures your attention and who does it remind you of? When you see something beautiful share it with a friend. Trust me, it will make them smile to know that you were thinking of them.

One thought on “The Miracle and Beauty of Fall

  1. Anonymous

    I too love the colors of fall. Isn’t it interesting that the parking lots of the grocery stores have some of the most beautiful trees, and Jen I just a few minutes ago I finished reading a good book. Love Love fall!

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